Having a Google Ads account (formerly Google Adwords) allows you to create ads on the biggest search engine: Google. It allows you to buy keywords to make your content appear first or to promote events in relation to Internet users’ searches.
Google Ads

BingAds, a useful complement

Using the same principle for the search engine Bing is a very good idea to expand your audience. On computer, it is used by 6% of users worldwide (March 2019 study). Some readers may say: “Why bother for so little?” My answer is, “Why miss out on something so simple to set up?”

Bing Ads via Google Ads

If you are already a Google Ads user, you can import your campaigns into Bing Ads in order to run the same ads on the Bing search engine. It’s a one-click way to grow your audience by duplicating your advertising from Google Ads. As promised, this is an easy way to increase your promotion power! To do this, here are the steps to follow:
  1. When you create your Microsoft Advertising account, you will be asked to import your existing campaigns from Google.
  2. Log in to your Google Ads account and select the campaigns you want to import.
  3. If you want to schedule a daily, weekly or monthly import, you can do so under “Schedule Imports”.
  4. Once the initial upload is complete, you will receive a summary of your campaign information. Microsoft Advertising will tell you what information has been skipped, changed or needs your attention.
  5. Load the billing and budget information into your Microsoft Advertising account and begin using Microsoft Advertising sponsored links.
However, be careful to check your ads afterwards to see if the import was done without any problem. Also note that Bing Ads only considers the first 3 parameters customized and configured in Google Ads.

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